My Horse, My Partner, My Trusted FRiend.

First Aid Tips

Horse Health Parameters

TemperatureAround 100°F102°F +
Heart Rate28-36 beats per minute44 bpm and up
Respiration12-24 breaths per minute36 bpm +/- increased effort
GumsPink and moistPale/dark and dry
Gut SoundsPresentNot present
AttitudeBright, Alert, ResponsiveQuiet, Depressed
Abdominal PainAlert, Standing QuietlyDown, Rolling, Pawing, Kicking at belly
AppetiteHungryNone or light

Bleeding: Apply lots of pressure and padding to the area. If a wound bleeds through the bandage, apply more bandage on top of the current one and call your veterinarian.

Wounds: Clean and wash gently and thoroughly with Saline and non-soap containing disinfectant (like chlorhexidine solution – not hydrogen peroxide). If deep, near a joint, significantly lame or swollen, check your horse’s temperature and call your veterinarian. 

Colic: Signs of abdominal pain see above. Check your horse’s temperature, heart rate, and gut sounds. Walk and call your veterinarian. 

If in Doubt: Call Your Veterinarian!